Friday, November 26, 2010

Some art I found.

While trolling and lurking on Suicide Girls and plotting my next deviant adventure, I stumbled across a beautiful woman named Phoenix Suicide. Upon further inspection I found that she does art work. Now, we all know that Faith loves artwork of all types of mediums. So she had to inspect further. Upon clicking a little link I found more of her art work. Now here's my shameless plug of her art.

She sells them for $30. 

The Fox is adorable

Except this one, its done on wood and is $800. 
I would like to encourage everyone to buy her art, but unfortunately you need an SG Account to see the rest of these prints. No I'm not telling you to buy a SUB just to look at her art, this is just me showing an amazing talent. I on the other hand will be purchasing some of her art. Mostly because I have a thing for female faces and eyes, and she captures these things perfectly. Also I have a thing for adorable foxes. DONT JUDGE ME.


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