Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Why I fucking Hate PJJ

Hate it. Love It. See the fucks I give?

A long long LONG time ago,  when I was a lonely 13 year old with no friends and a goth complex, a friend (Tora) and I discovered online role playing via Beseen, we played in the Vampires Kiss, and it was totally lame because we had no fucking clue what we were doing or how to do it. BUT, that is the beauty of being a newb, you piss off those older players and just become an annoyance. You grow from it and in turn become an older player from the years spent typing away your free time to people you would never meet and hoped to god they were not the serial killer next door who wanted to cut off your face and feed it to their dog, or wanted to wear lady skin suits. (Check my super awesome reference)
Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me. I'd fuck me HARD.

Then Beseen died. Everyone cried. Then  there was a silver lining that is now as we all know PJJ. Yay. Rejoice! So then we all migrated from oblivion, AKA dead Beseen and Starnet and what ever chat forums people used back in the day of 56K dial up. All was well,  business was booming and chat rooms sprung up left and right and everyone got along. I don't believe that elitist bullshit that "Oh Starnet was cooler than Beseen, because blah blah blah" WHO GIVES A SHIT? WHAT IS THIS? AN AWESOME CONTEST? BECAUSE I WOULD WIN THAT SHIT. But seriously. Who cares? Only the people who had nothing to do with their lives but bitch about the internet.

That bill is expensive

So, everything was cool, I was a stupid Emo kid before emo was even cool, everyone hated me. I threatened to kill myself all the time, my characters were all the same. Yeah I admit it, but what do you want from a 14 year old in Highschool going through what everyone else went through? What ever, I'm over that shit. But some people can't seem to let that shit go. People grow up in due time and it seems not everyone have grown the fuck up.
That is right Spidermanz.

Then suddenly one day, or over a period of time, I don't know because I didn't give a fuck, people started growing up and getting jobs, having lives and moving on. There was a few of us left after that, I'd say a handful if you don't count the anime kids in their own world. What ever, their having fun, that's all that matters.  I don't know where the line was drawn in the sand where Reality was trumped by Internet. I have no fucking clue where the chat room you were in was way to Super Srs and plot lines and character relationships mattered. Really? REALLY? Who gives a shit? You are writing a story, you are telling a tale, WEAVING ME A SONNET, What ever you call it, you are writing and story telling, it's not that big of a deal.  Srsly.

I can understand not having anything to do, or your stressed the fuck out, or someone called you fat, or you just want to decompress. That's why I rp, escapism has it's limits though. But come on. I'm too embarrassed to tell my boyfriend "hey I do online text based Roleplaying. Least I dont LARP har har har". He knows now, then laughed at me and told me it's ok to be a nerd, or something along those lines, what ever. He likes Thundercats.

Then I noticed something recently. Giant fucking posts. Um... ok..first off, I'm not reading your book as published online by Johnny-who-gives-a-fuck. Granted, like a normal person (if there are any on PJJ) I like a bit of substance and something for me to go on. I do not quite like:

 *Chills out at the bar* You dawg, I heard you like Exhibits, so we put Exzibit in your Exhibit so you can......."  NO!
GTFO with that shit. But if you do it, I will accept it and carry the fuck on, because while I can be a picky ass hole, I understand that JJ does not have a shit load of people to rp with anymore. Who the fuck cares if your posts are long and beautiful and you use that new fangled thing called Multline. Why? Because it gives you paragraphs and breaks shit up? Bitch, I dont care if my posts are pretty or if my talking bits are a different color contrasting from my font to make a pretty butterfly. NO ONE BUT YOU GIVES A SHIT. IT'S WORDS! READ THE GOD DAMN THING LIKE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING.

I've also noticed something that has taken me back to highschool, and last I checked half of us graduated a WHILE ago. WTF is up with the Cliquey bullshit? "We're the cool kids because we have super awesome writing skills and our characters are developed as shit and OP" (over powered for my stalkers on Facebook who are staring at this blog like WTF IS THIS SHIT?) I have one fucking question for you. DOES THIS HELP YOU IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM WITH A JOB? CAN YOU PLOP THAT ON YOUR RESUME OR USE YOUR CLIQUEY FRIENDS AS JOB REFERENCES? That's more than one, that is three. Again, I say, as I have about thirty times in this rant: WHO CARES? This is the brunt of my rant right here. This community is far to small to be breaking off into groups, talking shit about one another like in school. Why? Why do this? ostracizing others who you feel aren't "cool" enough to rp with you? That's pathetic, and down right sad. This is the internet, and last I checked not real life, if you treat the people around you like this in real life, than I am sorry for you and that makes you a crap person. You people are the reason I hate PJJ, and yet like any one who loves writing, I come back every day to express my creativity. Though I have to say, JJ now is like a dead bloated whale that has long died, and the onlookers are too damn stupid to notice it's dead and keep throwing water on it to keep it alive. When you have nothing else, how about you look past your elitism and see the big picture.

Oh Fuck let me Edit something: This post, while titled WHY I HATE PJJ, is more about the bullshit in JJ. I don't give a fuck about that shit, I care, however about the community within JJ. For some of those who do not know how to tell the difference. Which is you. Yes. You